yii-tinymce v1.0.1
yii-tinymce extension has been updated. Changes:
- Remove jQuery dependency for TinyMCE initialization.
- Use uncompressed tinymce if debug mode is enabled.
Extension sources can be downloaded from GitHub or installed by Composer.
yii-tinymce extension has been updated. Changes:
Extension sources can be downloaded from GitHub or installed by Composer.
I recently released a new extension for Yii 1.1: yii-tinymce. It is a simple widget that integrates TinyMCE editor with Yii 1.1 with the possibility to integrate with the file manager (for example, by using yii-elfinder2 extension). The extension is based on yii-tinymce with a much-simplified code, integration with Composer and configuration adjusted to new TinyMCE releases.
Version 1.0.0 can be downloaded from GitHub or installed by Composer.