Refreshing the blog layout

Refreshing the blog layout

It’s been almost 4 years since I created the current layout of my blog. I finally have some free time, so I decided to refresh it and solve several problems that have been waiting for years. The release of WordPress 5.0 with its new revolutionary editor was another impulse to do this.

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Https for the New Year

Changing hosting has opened a new opportunities, among other things it became possible to use my own SSL certificate for domain. For some time I tested https on site and free certification from StartSSL. IMO tests were quite successful, and the New Year is a good time for a changes. From now https on page is forced and all traffic will be encrypted.

Unless you have a very outdated system and browser, there should be no side effects – page requires a SNI support, so if for example you are using Windows XP and IE 8, you can not be able to open it. But this is one of the less important problems what you have with this configuration. 😀

New home page

New home page

Finally I found time and motivation to refresh my home page. I planned this for 2 years, but only when I finally got a few days of vacation I get motivated to do it.

This time I decided to do it completely differently than the last time. Instead of using fancy stock theme, I created a my own theme adapted for my needs. It might not be as pretty as predefined themes, but it should be more practical to maintain and make adding new content easier. The main change is more bloggy nature – a previous idea of the home page and portfolio looked nice and seemed to be quite clever, but it makes the adding of new content very difficult and annoying. I hope that the portfolio as posts with the informations about my current activities will be more convenient and revive a little blog. In addition, I added two new taxonomies: projects and tools – it makes me easier to categorize posts and generate interesting summaries, such as those visible in the sidebar. Read more

English version of my home page launched

English version of my site has been implemented. Finally I forced myself to translate most of the content on the site. From now on I will try to post most of the entries in two languages.

My English is not brilliant, so if you find any mistakes, report them in the comments or by contact form.

Home page

Home page

My site was created on basis WordPress with installed Boldy template that best fit to my vision of the home page. The template was translated and adapted to my needs. In addition to minor bug fixes graphical and syntactical template has been adapted to the standards of HTML5. To increase the possibility page have been installed plugins to improve SEO, for improved image viewing (the Lightbox Plus with minor adjustments to enable the validation page for HTML5) and additionally installed caching plugin to reducing server load and speeding up page loading. Read more