yii2-simple-auth v1.0.0

Today I released new extension for Yii 2yii2-simple-auth. It provides components for easy authenticate and validate the HTTP request. Each request gets its own unique token with the expiration time, so no passwords or keys are sent with the request – it should be safer than basic access authentication when you don’t use https. Read README on GitHub to get more info.

In addition I create simple helper for official HTTP client for Yii 2 – yii2-simple-auth-yii-authenticator.  It simplify authenticating requests generated by official yii2-httpclient.

Both extensions are already used for some time on Salenauts and Łowcy Gier to authenticate communication with internal API, so you can consider it as tested and stable :).

yii-elfinder2 – file manager for Yii

For one of my projects written in Yii I needed a plugin that would allow manage and upload file to the server. None of the existing plug-ins was not good enought, so I decided to write my own. In fact, it’s just a modified version of another plugin with the updated elFinder and several amendments to make it all work. Still, I think it is quite useful and allow to easily integrate elFinder with own project in Yii. Its development can be followed on Github, where you can also report any bugs.