after 6 months from launch after 6 months from launch

It feels like it was just yesterday, but has launched 6 months ago. That is quite a lot of time, and make huge progress in the meantime. We have new stores in tracker, new filters in almost all views, new view with vouchers, improved alerts management, many performance and UX improvements and many more. And bugfixes. A lot of bugfixes. 🙂 And just few days ago  there was a huge change in layout – now website should look more clear and the most important elements should be more visible and readable. More detailed list o changes can be found on forum:

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Refreshing the blog layout

Refreshing the blog layout

It’s been almost 4 years since I created the current layout of my blog. I finally have some free time, so I decided to refresh it and solve several problems that have been waiting for years. The release of WordPress 5.0 with its new revolutionary editor was another impulse to do this.

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A year on Stack Overflow

If you’re a developer, you must have heard about Stack Overflow. Certainly, you also have pieces of code in your projects that have been copied from the answers you found there. 🙂 I’m no exception – I have used Stack Overflow for a long time. 3 years ago I even created an account, but it was practically inactive (a new user with no reputation cannot do much). But a year ago I become to be more active there. What is the effect of the year on Stack Overflow?

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How more efficient is CPU-Optimized Droplet than Standard Droplet on DigitalOcean? is hosted on DigitalOcean. Although choosing DigitalOcean for hosting was pretty straightforward for us, we were still not so sure if it is worth pay extra for CPU-Optimized droplets. CPU-Optimized droplets obviously should be more efficient in CPU-intensive task, but there was no real comparison of how more efficient they are. But we get some comparison when we tried to perform database migration from Salenauts to on two types of droplets.

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