Kino POLLUB  is a website of cinema with possibility of reservation sites, created of the pass project in college. The project implemented by the two people, I took the project planning  and realization most of the functionality.

In the system there are two types of users: administrator and normal user. Administrator access is achieved after logging in, however if there is no log, the user is treated as a normal user. After logging the administrator has the ability to add and edit movies and seances. He can also add new ads, and moderate comments. User has the ability to view current offer of cinema, booking and comment news.

  1. Add comments. User can comment news. Comments appear immediately after adding, they don’t need be verified, but each user can submit comments as incompatible with rules. Final verification in this case makes admin – if the comment is not compatible with the rules, it will be deleted and the IP from which added a comment gets a “penalty point” – after exceeding 10 points add comments from a particular IP is blocked.
  2. Viewing offers. On the home page is a list of the currently displayed films. User has access to brief description of the film, and links to two major sites about movies.
  3. Reservation. After going to the “repertoire” displays a list of showtimes. When you click on one of them you have the possibility to book places on seance. Booking requires the e-mail, name and surname. If you try to book, then is checked whether anyone here in the meantime booked this place, so  conflicts involving the the same time reservation of place for 2 people are excluded.
  4. Adding seances (admin). The form to add seances has a preview of schedule hall, through which we can easily see the distribution of sessions between the halls. After selecting the date for which you want to add a seance, and the hall, we have a list of movies (list includes information about title, category and length of movie), which can be in this room to see. After selecting a movie system automatically proposes the earliest time for seance (you can change it manually). Each session has an additional 15 minutes before and after the movie, which allow the entry and exit viewers from the hall. The system also checks whether the sessions do not overlap.

To facilitate navigation, the top menu contains links to the main parts of page:

  • Home page contains a list of the most interesting films shown at the cinema. When you click on one of them displays basic information about it. Below is the latest news added by the administrator.
  • The repertoire contains a list of seances. Thus it is possible to reserve seats on the movie. View provides basic information about the film, and to search for seances on both the title and category, age category and the start time.
  • News contain all news added by admin.
  • Contact allows contact administrator, as well as basic information about the cinema and location map.

Additionally available is a view of a single film, which contains all information about the movie.

Site created using PHP and MySQL, based on my original designed framework with implements MVC and automating contact with database. More information about the project can be found in the detailed design documentation.


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