redmine-a1-theme v2.0.1

The redmine-a1-theme theme has been updated. There is only one change in this release:

  • Hide too long SVN properties in changes list in repository view.

The theme can be downloaded from GitHub. You can install/update it by extracting theme directory into public/themes/ (final path to style sheet file should look like: public/themes/a1/stylesheets/application.css) and enable it in Redmine admin panel. The theme is compatible with Redmine 3.4 (it should work with older versions of Redmine, but it was never verified). after 6 months from launch after 6 months from launch

It feels like it was just yesterday, but has launched 6 months ago. That is quite a lot of time, and make huge progress in the meantime. We have new stores in tracker, new filters in almost all views, new view with vouchers, improved alerts management, many performance and UX improvements and many more. And bugfixes. A lot of bugfixes. 🙂 And just few days ago  there was a huge change in layout – now website should look more clear and the most important elements should be more visible and readable. More detailed list o changes can be found on forum:

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