How more efficient is CPU-Optimized Droplet than Standard Droplet on DigitalOcean? is hosted on DigitalOcean. Although choosing DigitalOcean for hosting was pretty straightforward for us, we were still not so sure if it is worth pay extra for CPU-Optimized droplets. CPU-Optimized droplets obviously should be more efficient in CPU-intensive task, but there was no real comparison of how more efficient they are. But we get some comparison when we tried to perform database migration from Salenauts to on two types of droplets.

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Open beta of Salenauts

Open beta of Salenauts

After over a year of work, more than a month of closed testing, Salenauts website finally became publicly available. It’s still a beta, we still working hard and still have plenty of improvements in the plans, but it’s time to show our work to the world and collect feedback from users. 🙂 Service directly derived from Śledź okazje and extending his ideas. Just like on Śledź okazje, we have here indexing offers from stores and displaying them in price comparison, but it is only one of many features of the site. Read more