🔗 Łowcy Gier 3.0

🔗 Łowcy Gier 3.0

After short beta-test, new version of Łowcy Gier has been released. Layout has been slightly refreshed and finally became responsive, so it looks decent on smaller devices. There is not much big changes in visual aspect of website – the content layout is similar and there are no revolutionary new features . The most radical changes affects backend and engine. You can read more about them here (Polish only).

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Refreshing the blog layout

Refreshing the blog layout

It’s been almost 4 years since I created the current layout of my blog. I finally have some free time, so I decided to refresh it and solve several problems that have been waiting for years. The release of WordPress 5.0 with its new revolutionary editor was another impulse to do this.

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New home page

New home page

Finally I found time and motivation to refresh my home page. I planned this for 2 years, but only when I finally got a few days of vacation I get motivated to do it.

This time I decided to do it completely differently than the last time. Instead of using fancy stock theme, I created a my own theme adapted for my needs. It might not be as pretty as predefined themes, but it should be more practical to maintain and make adding new content easier. The main change is more bloggy nature – a previous idea of the home page and portfolio looked nice and seemed to be quite clever, but it makes the adding of new content very difficult and annoying. I hope that the portfolio as posts with the informations about my current activities will be more convenient and revive a little blog. In addition, I added two new taxonomies: projects and tools – it makes me easier to categorize posts and generate interesting summaries, such as those visible in the sidebar. Read more

Śledź okazje

Śledź okazje

Śledź okazje is a platform for monitoring price movements in selected stores and logs all changes. This allows for easy comparison of prices of selected products in different stores, view price history and, thanks to extensive filtering options and the ability to generate the RSS feeds of search results, also tracking the latest discounts and promotions. The platform has been integrated into the Łowcy Gier website. Read more



The new version of lowcygier.pl, the site focused around the promotion of video games. The main task was to implement new website layout  and integration with more advanced forum engine.

The new version of the site was based on the previous  CSM engine (WordPress) and previous template (Graphene), which has been completely changed. The new layout was created on the basis of the received graphic design. Read more